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Deceased Estate – SOLD under hammer

7 Markham Street, DARRA QLD 4076

6803073 - Sold
Deceased Estate –  SOLD under hammer
Beds: 3 Baths: 1 Car Park: 1
This property is currently not available.

Not exact how you would like to see when inspect to purchase a normal property. A pair of gum boots and tools with you will be more appropriate to bring along.
What you see on site is what you get. Trash and Treasure.

If a major renovation project or clear it all to build anew, then you are at the right place.

This is a basic barrack home on stumps, located on a 615sqm of level land. The property has been left vacant for a while and currently full of unwanted items. Trash and treasure i...

Venue: On Site
Tony Tran Tony Tran
0423 600 614